Montag, 7. April 2014

PBE Update vom 04. April : Twitch VU und SKT T1 Zed

Der PBE wurde mal wieder aktualisiert und brachte wieder einige Änderungen. Der SKT T1 Skin für Zed und das bereits angekündigte Twitch VU sind nun da. Ihr könnt euch unten wieder ein Bild vom Update machen.

Twitch's Visual Update

Das verseuchte Twitch VU kam auf den PBE und ist nun zum Testen verfügbar.

Bevor ihr euch die Seuchenratte anseht, könnt ihr erstmal diesen Feedback-Thread von Ququroon lesen :

Hey Summoners! Twitch, the Plague Rat, is now ready for PBE testing!

In this VU, you can expect to see new models, new textures, new animations, new visual effects, new sounds, new voice over, and more! This, as always, is for all of his skins as well! One of the cooler changes that we attempted on Twitch was to make all of his effects read better, and feel more satisfying from an audio/visual standpoint.

We've made changes to two of Twitch's abilities names, to have them make a little more sense to what the gameplay actually is. Expunge has been changed to Contaminate. The previous name indicated that the poison was removed, but this hasn't been true since the gameplay update that came out a while ago. Spray and Pray, an iconic name, has been changed to Rat-ta-tat-tat. We felt that for Twitch's R, he maintains more of an "Aim and Shoot" gameplay, rather than a really frantic ability that can miss, ala Spray and Pray.

  • How do you guys like the new VO? Do you feel that this properly captures his character?
  • Do the gameplay QoLs aid your experience playing as Twitch? (e.g., the new range indicator on his E)
  • How do you feel about the skins? Do they properly capture the fantasy that you already know it for?
  • Do you like the new ability names? Do you feel that they better indicate functionality or add to Twitch's character?

Please feel free to leave your feedback in this thread regarding Twitch or any related bugs you encounter. Your feedback here will influence the changes we make, as well as aiding us in our future champion Visual Updates!

See this thread if you would like more insight into our goals with Twitch, or just to familiarize yourself with him!

Preis : 3150 EP oder 790 RP

Voice Over und Spezielle Interaktionen

Wie ihr vielleicht im oberen Video gehört hast, hat Twitch spezielle Interaktionen mit anderen Champions : z.B. Janna oder Leona. Ihr findet alle Interaktionen unten.

Caitlyn's Fallen :
  • "Must take food!"
  • "D'oh, it's not even stale yet."
  • "OH! That almost caught my tail!"
  • "Now I have to gnaw my leg off. Oh, no, I'm good."
  • "This is entrapment!"
  • "Oh, not again."
  • "Phew, this tastes awful!"
  •  "Stop moving my stench!"
  • "The only thing the sun's good for is what it does to milk."
  • "Wooh, Singed, you smell nice!"
  • "I have this uncontrollable urge to follow you."
  • "I see why everyone chases you."
  • "You remind me of home."
  • "I thought this place could use a little gooping up."

Twitch bekam auch eine neue Geschichte. Zur Zeit ist sie nur in den Dateien sichtbar und nicht im Client und deshalb ist das Format auch ein bisschen komisch.

H.I.V.E. Incident Report
Code Violation: Industrial Homicide
Casefile Status: Unsolved
Investigating Agent: Rol, P.

Team responded to report of suspicious character, criminal activity; proceeded to Sump Works, Sector 90TZ. Sector 90TZ notably absent. In its place: sinkhole, smoke, noxious fumes. Interviews with private security indicate urgent need for better private security.
Response team entered sinkhole. Toxic runoff had melted away building wreckage. Two survivors located, one partially liquefied and dripping off catwalk. Six deceased bodies found among wreckage, three of them partial; two appear to predate incident. Suspect seems to have removed jewelry, accessories, and dental implants, then sorted them into piles by color. Causes of death include acute deceleration, caustic liquidation, and/or fatal crossbow wounds. Unclear if lab's destruction was itself the perpetrator's motive or an attempt to cover tracks.

Survivor #1 (Ra Qintava, facility researcher) brought up for interview, but unable to provide statement due to 1) post-traumatic stress and 2) liquefaction of tongue and lower jaw. Awaiting toxin screen and prosthesis fitting.

Search-and-rescue discovered apparent shantytown constructed from refuse. Recovered items include:

57 waterlogged romance novels, illegible, with edits made in crayon
108 bottles, unlabeled (possible toxic runoff or discarded shampoo remnants)
200 pounds chewing gum (possible installation art project)
1 jar toenails, labeled by toe/finger, date, and mood

Survivor #2 (Valori Olant, Sludge Analyst) in recovery; regained lucidity following prolonged therapeutic electrocution. Statement transcript excerpt follows:

NURSE: She's lost so much blood --
P.R.: Her co-workers lost a lot more than that --
P.R.: Ma'am, I need you to focus. Tell me what he looked like.
V.O.: LIKE A RAT! (pause)
NURSE: Like a what?
P.R.: You mean, small? Beady-eyed? Sorta rat-faced -- ?
P.R.: (to nurse) Can we moderate her painkillers ?
P.R.: Nurse?
NURSE: (injecting Olant's arm with sedative) On it.
[EDIT]V.O.: We were just scientists, working on refining human waste into inexpensive baby formula...
[EDIT] I saw ! I don't know how else to this crazed, enormous RAT screaming at us! Kicking over vats! Spitting on our food!
[EDIT] The lab was sealed. Nowhere to run. Chemicals flooded in through the sprinklers
[EDIT] I woke up in the dark. Well, the acid had melted my eyeballs. I could SMELL the twitchy bastard inches from my face. It said, "NOBODY STEALS TWITCH'S JUICE!" cackled wildly, and skittered off. I can still smell it in my mind. OH MY GODS, I CAN STILL SMELL IT!!
End transcript. At this point victim began screaming; has yet to stop.

[UPDATE: Qintava, Written Testimony]
Suspect summary, as reported:
SEX: Male(unconfirmed).
AGE: Unknown.
HEIGHT: 4'9" (hunched)
WEIGHT: < 99 lbs. (wet).
STATUS: At large; armed, extremely dangerous; DO NOT ENGAGE.
H.I.V.E - Enforcing Progress!

Aktualisierte Skins

Preis : 520 RP / Limitierter Skin

Preis : 520 RP / Limitierter Skin

Mittelalterlicher Twitch
Preis : Belohnung für "Werbt einen Freund"

Preis : 975 RP

Preis : 975 RP

Neue Skins

SKT T1 Zed
Preis : 750 RP

Aktualisierungen für SKT T1 Zyra und Jax

Der im gestrigen Update enthaltene Zyra Skin bekam ein paar Änderungen. Seht sie euch einfach unten an.

Hier sind noch ein paar in-game Shots, aber die Änderungen sind kaum bemerkbar.

SKT T1 Jax bekam den im letzten Update entfallenen Sound für seine automatischen Treffer. Es ist ein "Blonk"-Sound, der die Waffe gut charakterisiert.

Änderungen bei Anzeige von Aggro

Während es bereits schon vor kurzer Zeit Änderungen bei der Anzeige von Aggro gab, wurde wieder etwas verändert und hier ist Rayven mit mehr Informationen

Hey folks, we are looking for feedback on changes to the way aggro is displayed in the game.

Tl;Dr we are reducing visual noise and improving targeting by moving the aggro display from an outline to an icon above the health bar.

The current aggro system provides feedback to players when minions and monsters are attacking them. We want to improve that awareness while also reducing the overwhelming visual noise of the outline display (orange blob of doom).

This change should also make targeting an enemy or neutral much clearer. An outline around a unit now means targeting only rather than multiple things at once.

We are still iterating on this and have some upcoming supporting features so try it in game and join the conversation.


Über der HP-Anzeige ist nun sichtbar, ob ihr Aggro vom Vasallen bzw. Monster habt.
Neues Schmuckstück für Dominion

Soul Anchor (Neues Schmuckstück, nur für Dominion)
  • Aktiv : Verbraucht eine Ladung, um sofort an der Beschwörer-Plattform wiederbelebt zu werden und gewährt 125% Lauftempo, das nach 12 Sekunden schwindet.
  • Weitere Ladungen erhält man auf Stufe 9 und 14. (Max. : 2 Ladungen)

Gefällt euch das große PBE Update? Schreibt es in die Kommentare!

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